There were candidates in the All Scotland Pensioners Party sworn to work very hard to be elected to speak up in Parliament for Grandparents, Pensioners, Families, and Disabled but sadly it was not enough. Now SNP have just about got everything under their control and an unchallenged government is not a healthy government for people like us.
SNP have proven they are not interested in us by booting the Charter for Grandchildren out of Parliament and passing it to the local authorities who in turn claim it is not their problem but a Government responsibility. Now it is in limbo. Grandparents/grandchildren as well as families, pensioners and disabled are very low on their priority list. How they can justify that? We are all among the poorest in
Children are the backbone of any nation and it is how they are treated and reared that determines just about everything in society. When there are stable happy children they grow up to take there place in a decent society and pass on what they have been taught. But if they are not treated with respect and fairness as in forced adoption, snatched into care and fostered out to strangers it destroys them mentally emotionally spiritually and in the end physically when they turn to gangs, drugs, drink with little respect for the rest of us and costing three times as much keeping them in jail.
The governments know very well what is needed to resolve these problems but there is not much profit in happy families. It is in their best interests for families to war with each other as family law is a huge wage earner for lawyers courts, adoption agencies, foster carer’s, social services and just about every professional who work in the welfare of children. The little money the government does put into it is a drop in the ocean compared to what is earned from it and they are now cutting costs which mean less to improving services and more you will have to pay to get justice.
Woman’s Aid is an organisation funded by the government who work against bringing families together by alienating all male members and grandparents of a child’s family and keeping the family war going. They tutor mothers how to avoid all contact even if a child loves their grandparents. Their first priority is mothers and this often conflicts with the best interests of children when it robs children of grandparents and family that have done no wrong. The Scottish Government recently acknowledged my concerns about this and gave me Woman’s Aid contacts but they have refused me their constitution or even to meet us to seek to resolve the issue but so far there has been no further correspondence from them or the Scottish Government
Family Needs Fathers (FnF) is another organisation funded by the government. Believe it or not FnF in
By the government funding these organisations the they have proven to be actively against happy families and the only reason can be is what I have just described, no profit in happy families. Unless we fight and expose this two faced farce there will be no easier contact for grandparents, no better pensions for older people, and no fair family laws, the disabled will be no better off. Rich fat cat lawyers get richer on your misery. The Scottish Sun stated we were underdogs. Were they right?
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