Saturday 27th November 2010
Top judge says mothers should have children taken away if they don't let fathers see them
By Daily Mail Reporter
Mr Justice Coleridge: Called for 'three strikes and you're out' rule
Mothers who refuse to let separated fathers see their children should have them taken away, a senior family court judge said yesterday.
The children should be handed over to the full time care of the father if the mother persistently defies court orders, Mr Justice Coleridge said.
He called for a ‘three strikes and you’re out rule’ by which children would be taken away if mothers ignored three court orders.
The judge said that family courts are losing their authority because so many people take no notice of their judgments.
Around 5,000 new cases a year come before the family courts in which parents – almost always mothers – defy orders to let the other parent have contact.
Judges are extremely reluctant to jail such mothers because of the damaging effects on the children, so many continue to get away with it.
Mr Justice Coleridge, 61, said: ‘If I were to call it three strikes and you’re out it sounds insensitive but something like it perhaps should be the norm.’
He added that occasionally it might be necessary to send a mother to jail.
The Coalition:
our programme for government
Families and children
Gary Westcar (a Divorced Non-resident Parent/Father) says: 28 May 2010 at 7:38 pm
Re “former Labour/Gov 100%Encouraged Matriarchal &Family Court, CHILD ABDUCTION”
“Your Coalition Programme of Government, section 14. Families And Children, your Government review of Family Law, you MUST immediately STOP CORRUPT FAMILY COURTS JUDICIARY from ignoring Non-Resident Parent/Fathers existing s8 Children Act 1989 Consent Contact ORDERS. Divorced non-resident Parent/father Gary Westcar two W(Children) have been illegally ABDUCTED by my xwife being 100% aided by Corrupt RCJ Judiciary & CAFCASS, both these Public bodies100% ignored W(Children)+Father & Paternal Grandparents SUPERIOR RCJ Court of Appeal DIRECT CONTACT (Consent) ORDER, Ordered by Three Lords Justices, for both father=Gary Westcar +P/Grandparents, do have DIRECT CONTACT with W(Children)” on such dates and at such times as shall be agreed between W(Children) Father & Mother,
Court of Appeal 13thSept2005, case B4/2005/0294 in the matter of Children Act 1989 (Private Law) in the matter of W(Children):
Ordered by LJJ Ward, LJJ Rix & LJJ Moore-Bick.
FACT: the RCJ has REFUSED to enforce my W(Children)&Father &P/Grandparents Direct Contact (Consent) Order, Corrupt RCJ Judiciary+Cafcass enabled xwife to ABDUCT my 2 Westcar Children! Abducted 14thFeb2007″. W(Children) devoted Father/Gary Westcar has been told by his Conservative MP Charles Hendry said that nothing can be done until the Tories are in Government!!!
“What is this Tory/Lib-dem Coalition Government going to do about these INJUSTICES
The Tory's promised more rights for grandparents but came up with a scam that Scotland already has and is costing our Scottish grandparents dearly.