"The stunt created world wide interest, I went on to submit evidence along with other campaigners to the Justice 1 Committee, raising amendments through my MSP Sylvia Jackson"
"I was asked to drop the amendments with the promise of compliance from the officers from the then Scottish executive under the Labour Government, I feel I was given false promises by these untrustworthy politicians that came to nothing"
"How can you ever trust a Politician?"
"Scottish contact orders are not worth the paper they are written on, and contact denial has a devastating effect on families and clearly not in the best interest of the children"
"Litigation lasting years with court reporters, curators acting for the children psychologists and solicitors costing tens of thousands of pounds to the tax payer and also to the fathers and grandparents that do not get public funding"
"What is the point of having a justice system where the sheriffs and judges give out court orders and do not uphold them? It is a national disgrace"
"The Family Law Bill was nothing more than a public relations exercise to make the Government look as though they were addressing the problem, well I can tell you six years on since our rooftop protest nothing has changed, if anything it has actually got worse"
"On this great day of celebration for St Andrews Day, I say shame on the government of Scotland for failing children and families"
"I call on the people of Scotland to get involved in protests and demonstrations, the system is in dire need of reform and we must take the message to the politicians"
"Family law in England and Wales are currently under review, we must pressurise our MSP's to do the same in Scotland, if you would like to join and get involved you can contact me via email to info@realfathersforjustice.org"
Brian McNair
Rffj Scotland Coordinato
Hear hear Brian