We have written Glasgow social services a very very very nice letter asking them politely to meet with us on taking the Charter for Grandchildren forward but it has not been forthcoming.
We now believe because of highlighting the failures and injustices of social services in general we believe they are ignoring us and it has become personal. So there was no alternative but to enforce our request by a stroll around the City Centre of our beautiful Glasgow.
With my little trailer sandwich boards on the back of my wheelchair we were the focus of attention, the locals and tourists alike loved it and were snapping away with their cameras and chatting away asking us for our leaflets.
Look out for our next impromptu wander around Glasgow. Chat to us take one of our leaflets explaining what we are all about.
The Charter for Grandchildren
(Bringing families together)
The Charter for Grandchildren, does not in any way affect parental authority. It was created by a Scottish Government for children’s best interest and for them to benefit from their grandparents love, care and stability (if the parents are not available or cannot look after them) rather than go to strangers.
We all know social services are under tremendous pressure because of the bad publicity accusing them of incompetence and unable to cope. At present they are regarded as little more than a necessary evil. Grandparents are reluctant to turn to them for help because they get treated shamefully and fear contact with their grandchildren will be lost completely. (often happens)..
At a meeting in London recently social services were asking for ways to improve their image with the public. They will need to listen to family groups working on the shop floor instead of alienating them with an omnipotent attitude.
Fully implementing The Charter for Grandchildren would be a start, especially as it was created by a government team and accepted by the full council of the City of Glasgow.
The general public should know what happens to children in care. The majority of them end up as non-achievers. Social services alienate them from their family to make it easier to control them and this destroys the children’s spirit and sense of justice.
Saving money by depriving and neglecting a child creates the criminal of the future and costs the public purse a whole lot more when later on they join gangs to replace the family they have lost.
The public need to speak out about the way children are treated and you will sleep easier in your bed at night.
Issued by Grandparents Apart UK, Glasgow, Kilmarnock, Llandudno. Reg Office 22 Alness Crescent Glasgow G52 1PJ 0141 882 5658. A Scottish registered not for profit Charity No. SC 031558. Motto:- “Bringing Families Together”. www.grandparentsapart.co.uk
The Charter for Grandchildren.
The Scottish Government Website
It is important that parents, grandparents and other family members,
speak to, and treat each other, with respect. You may not get on, but
you can still be civil, for the sake of the children. Try to avoid arguing
with or criticising family members in front of the children. It can be
very upsetting for them.
On occasions professional organisations such as social work
departments or the courts can become involved and may have to
make decisions that will have a lasting impact throughout a child’s
entire life. In these circumstances it is vital that the loving and
supportive role that the wider family, in particular grandparents can
play is respected and protected for the child…
Grandchildren can expect:
• To be involved with and helped to understand decisions made about their lives.
• To be treated fairly
• To know and maintain contact with their family (except in very exceptional circumstances) and other people who are important to them.
• To know that their grandparents still love them, even if they are not able to see them at the present time.
• To know their family history.
• The adults in their lives to put their needs first and to protect them from disputes between adults - not to use them as weapons in quarrels between adults.
• Social workers, when making assessments about their lives, to take into account the loving and supporting role grandparents can play in their lives.
• The Courts, when making decisions about their lives, to take into account the loving and supporting role grandparents can play in their lives.
• Lawyers and other advisers to encourage relationship counselling or mediation when adults seek advice on matters affecting them and their children.
Way to go Jimmy and good luck with all your work.