"Bringing Families Together"

"Bringing Families Together"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Social Services Plead Insanity. By Ian.

Social Services plead shortage of staff and financial resources as excuses for overlooking torture of children (even after 60 visits to Baby P). In other European countries they take children from parents only if they have been severely physically or sexually abused but in Britain we waste most of out valuable resources fighting cruel cases in secret and costly courts to remove children and even new born babies at “risk of emotional harm” and for similar lesser reasons. The parents of Baby P would never have gone to court to fight for his return if he had been taken earlier as parents that violently physically abuse their children avoid courts like the plague!
Physical torture KILLS KILLS KILLS!!! Emotional abuse does NOT Poor school attendance does NOT A cluttered house does NOT Witnessing domestic violence does NOT Hostility to the “professionals” does NOT A parent with learning problems does NOT
Where therefore should the “SS” priorities lie?
I’m only asking!!
I would have thought myself it was MORE IMPORTANT to concentrate on preventing babies being tortured rather than the more common rush to remove babies AT BIRTH from mothers whom some highly paid psychobabble merchants have decided may at some future date emotionally harm their babies!Crystal ball gazing?

1 comment:

  1. did anyone see story in theDaily Star yesterday, US STUDENTS LANDING £36.000 PER YEAR FOR CHILD CARE JOBS IN BTITAIN .Even in Haringay. us agencies are concerned over lack of training given in this country. uk-pro director LINDE GRANT said the councils do not offer good training for locums she had a call from one of her temporary placements at a council in the south of England after only three months on placement saying she had been given 24 cases , of which 12 were child protection cases she was not comfortable with the situation. Tim loughton said the situation was alarming. THE DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES said , Only those who are qualified can work as social workers . and that includes those trained abroad. no real answers yet again , no wonder children are dying, while they play with words .
